*The registration period for First Communion and Confirmation for 2024-2025 is now open.
Registration forms are available below for
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion.
You are asked to fill out the registration form below and include a copy of your child's Catholic Baptismal Certificate.
*These forms must be handed in at the parent meeting
at the church not the school.
See below for dates and times.

Parent’s meeting for
First Reconciliation and
First Holy Communion:
*Parents only need to attend one session
Tuesday, October 15th at 7:00 pm
Sunday, October 20th, 12:30 pm
in the Parish Hall​

Parent’s meeting for Confirmation:
*Parents only need to attend one session
Sunday, November 17th, 2024 at 12:15 pm
Tuesday, November 26th, 2024 at 7:00 pm
in the Parish Hall