News from the Parish of
Saint Patrick's Church, Railton and Saint Mary's Church, Odessa,
as well as the Archdiocese of Kingston.

October 6, 2024
Life Chain
Members of the Parish attended the Life Chain held at St. Joseph's Church on October 6th at 12:00 noon. Approximately 100 people participated, including St. Joseph's CWL and K of C.
Photo: L-R Roger Audet from St. Joseph's K of C Council 11670, John Lesperance from St. Patrick's K of C Council 12309, and Ken Slade from St. Joseph's K of C Council 11670.
September 2024
Milk Bag Mats - Donations Being Accepted
This summer 13 milk bag mats made by the youth of the 1st Frontenac Guide Pathfinder Ranger Unit were delivered to Kingston. The youth have discovered that each mat uses 184 plastic bags and takes about 2-3 hours to make from beginning to end. These mats are used by persons who are unhoused. The mats give warmth to the ground, help keep the wetness away from the sleeper and insects and snakes are not fond of the plastic so they stay away from the sleeper. Over all this makes for a more comfortable rest. We will begin collecting bags again just after Thanksgiving. We ask that all bags be clean. One bag with sour milk on it can ruin several other bags and then all of them must be destroyed. Thank you to everyone who donates CLEAN, FLAT bags!
Kimberly Dowling, Contact Guider
1st Frontenac Guide Pathfinder Ranger Unit
August 2024
$2,400 Donated to SFCSC Building Fund
Photo left of Chris Thurgood, Grand Knight of the K of C, Heather Rogers, Executive Director of the SFCSC, and John Lesperance, Trustee for the K of C presenting a cheque for $2,400 to the SFCSC building fund. The funds result from the Knights' participation in the OLG sponsored Pay Gaming and Bingo in Kingston and Knights' sponsored Bingos held the first Monday of the month in the Parish Hall.
April 2024
520 Pounds of Food Donated at Easter
The parishioners of St. Patrick Railton donated 520 pounds of food to the Southern Frontenac Community Services Food Bank in Sydenham from their Lenten food drive in April. Thank you to St. Patrick’s Catholic School students for decorating the bags with an Easter theme and to parishioners for donating food and filling the bags. Thanks also to those at coffee on Sunday who helped take out the food to the cars for delivery to the food bank.
January 2024
Over $3,000 in Donations to Food Banks
On January 30, 2024, a cheque for $2,496.90 was delivered to the Southern Frontenac Community Services (SFCSC) food bank in Sydenham from the St. Patrick's Knights of Columbus. Another cheque for $700 was given to the Partners in Mission food bank in Kingston on January 25th.
Photo: Jim Hase presenting donation, with l-r Heather Rogers the SFCSC executive director, Emily Flynn, a parishioner and food bank volunteer and Jody Riddle, the food bank coordinator.
December 2023
Decorated Food Bag Donations for Christmas
St. Patrick Railton and St Mary's Odessa donated 490 lbs of food to the local food bank (SFCSC) in December 2023. Items were collected in bags decorated for the season by students from St. Patrick Catholic School in Harrowsmith.
Photo: Emily Flynn, Pauline Hogan and Patsy and Jim Hase pose behind 490 lbs of donated food. At Right is Jody Riddle, the food bank supervisor at the SFCSC food bank.
April 2023
638 Pounds of Food Donated for Lent
The congregation at St. Patrick Railton and St. Mary's Odessa collected 638 lbs of food donations for Lent in bags decorated by students from St. Patrick Catholic School in Harrowsmith, delivered to the food bank at Southern Frontenac Community Services Corporation (SFCSC) April 11, 2023.